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Life Teen

Why Come to Youth Group?

Let's be honest, high school is tough!!! Being a teen isn't easy! Trying to live your faith in this culture can be tough too! No one can do this alone; no one should ever feel like they are left alone either! One of the first goals of St. Catherine's Youth Group is to make you feel loved! God IS Love and calls us all to Himself, to love! Second, we want to foster fellowship among others who believe the same things you do! You may feel like you are the only one who believes in God or who goes to church, but that is not true and in youth group you will find some AWESOME people who take their faith seriously also! Third, knowledge is power! We want to empower you to be a strong Catholic by teaching you solid Catholic doctrine and real life applications! Not to mention, how to be super cool and super Catholic!! :) Come check us out! We honestly would LOVE to have you come! God bless!!!

- Sean

What is

Youth Group?

The coolest place ever!! Haha but for real it is! It is a place where you can come and hang out with some really cool people, get some free food, have a great time, and learn more about God! We meet almost every Sunday after the 6 pm Mass. So from about 7-9 pm. You can check our calendar to see for sure. We have nights where we talk about different things going on in our life/world/faith. We laugh, we cry (mostly from laughing so hard), and we pray! Our world needs strong confident young people and that is something we encourage everyday, with God's grace as our source of strength! Some nights we have hang out nights too, where we can just relax and have a good time! You can come once, or every week, but I suggest you come more often than not, because you don't want to miss a great night we have planned for you ;) Oh and there is always food, because according to Monica, it can't be a party without food!

What else is there?

Sunday Night Youth Group is the main and most consistent form of youth ministry we have at St. Catherine's. It is geared towards all high school students of any degree of faith background or knowledge! Pretty much, anyone can get something out of these nights, whether you are deep in your faith, or barely know anything! For those who want to go deeper in their walk with Christ, we meet every first Friday at 3 pm for adoration and then a hangout after! Soon we will be having a Bible study on another Friday during the month!! We have some other big events throughout the year that I will post on the homepage when the time comes closer! If you want to get involved in some service activities, contact Mary Weber about serving the homeless men every Saturday Morning with some of our teens! We also have a leadership team where any high school student grades 10-12 can help lead the middle school youth ministry and different aspects of the high school youth ministry! If you are interested or want to know more, please email me (Sean) for more information!

We also have CYM Basketball teams and Appalachia Mission Trips every year!

"Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

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